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Design Thinking for AI

In September 2020 we will start our new program: Design Thinking for AI! Corporate partners work together with HSG students for 4 months in an interactive course format on a concrete AI challenge. Explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence together with highly motivated students from our new Design Thinking course.

Apply now as a corporate partner of our Design Thinking for Artificial Intelligence (DT4AI) program!

We help corporate partners to tackle real-world challenges at the intersection of human-centered innovation and the development of scalable AI use cases.

Expect to work with some of the brightest, motivated students from the University of St.Gallen and to join the innovation journey!

Some highlights of what to expect:

  • Network with some of the best students from HSG
  • Join our DT4AI boot camp sessions as a corporate partner to learn how DT can help you with AI innovation
  • Expect a business-relevant, human-centered AI innovation prototype developed by cross-functional teams!

The application window is open until August, beginning of September at the very latest

Please reach out to Jennifer Hehn or Dr. Benjamin Van Giffen to work out an AI-innovation challenge and to join our program.

For more information klick here.

Author: Tobias Fahse

Date: 27. Juli 2020